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Provisional approval to establish the State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering in Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) was given by the Ministry of Science and Technology on 27 June 2006 and final approval was obtained on 4 January 2009, although its predecessor—the former Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of Controllable Chemical Reactions—was founded in August 2000.

The Academic Committee consists of 22 distinguished scientists,with the chairman being CAS Academician Prof. TIAN He. Prof. SONG Yufei is the Director of the Laboratory.

The work of the Laboratory is focused on developing more effective ways of utilizing chemical resources, in order to contribute to the national strategy of building a more resource-efficient society.Chemical Resource Engineering utilizes the latest advances in chemistry and chemical engineering to solve problems in fundamental research and technological development. An interdisciplinary approach is required and the Laboratory brings together the expertise of BUCT academics in the chemical engineering, chemistry and materials science fields. Three major research themes have been established: Intercalation Chemistry,Controlled Polymerization, and Chemical Process Intensification.

The Laboratory follows the principles of “openness, flexibility,collaboration and competition” and emphasizes scientific research,personnel training and academic exchanges. In line with the ethos of BUCT, the Laboratory focuses on both basic and applied research in order to most effectively contribute to the development of the national economy. Grants are obtained from a variety of bodies for fundamental research, basic applied research, and technology transfer, and the work of the Laboratory results in a substantial number of both publications in peer-reviewed journals and national and international patents, as well as the construction of industrial production facilities. It is the combination of fundamental research,applied research and commercial development that gives theLaboratory its distinctive character.