





  杨万泰,教授,博士生导师1982年毕业于清华大学获得学士学位,1985年毕业于北京化工学院并获得硕士学位;1996年于瑞典皇家工学院获得博士学位。1993年被评选为北京市高等学校(青年)学科带头人,1999年进入人事部“百千万人才工程”一、二层次 ,并荣获教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划基金,2000年获国家杰出青年基金,2001年评为教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授, 2012年作为负责人入选国家基金委创新群体。研究方向为光聚合,可控/活性自由基聚合和高分子材料表面光化学改性。在Chemical Reviews, JACS,Progress in Polymer Science,Macromolecules等刊物上发表SCI收录论文400多篇,他引5800余次;获国家发明专利授权40多件。

  Professor Yang Wantai was awarded the degrees of BSc (1982) by Tsinghua University and MSc (1985) at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. He received PhD his from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden in 1996. He was promoted to full Professor in September 1996 and PhD supervisor status in 1997. His research interests include development of new technology in photopolymerization, living/controlled radical polymerization, and controlled surface grafting polymerization. Over 400 publications with more than 5800 non-self citations, in journals such as Chemical Reviews, JACS , Progress in Polymer Science , Macromolecules, as well as 40 patents have resulted from his work. He was appraised as a ‘Subject Leader of Beijing Higher Education’ in 1993, and was supported by the Ministry of Education and Personnel Ministry under the ‘Cultivating of Excellence’ plan in 1999 and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under the ‘Excellent Youth Scholar’ program in 2000. He was elected as a Changjiang Scholar by the Ministry of Education in 2001.