2014年9月17日,应北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室吕超教授邀请,《Analytica Chimica Acta》主编Purnendu K. Dasgupta教授应邀来我实验室做报告。Dasgupta教授是知名的分析化学家,来自德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校,对分离分析方法有深入的研究。其研究成果广泛应用于分析领域,包括一项当前离子色谱法广泛采用的电渗析试剂的生成技术。
下午三点半,在无机楼107会议室,Dasgupta教授以“Continuous Measurement of Atmospheric Gases and Particles”为题,为向大家介绍了其课题组在大气气体和粒子的连续测量方面从事研究的主要成果。报告最后,Dasgupta教授简要介绍一下其实验室最近的研究方向,即构建一个特殊的离子色谱用于火星探测,引起了现场师生的关注。Dasgupta教授还对科研工作者的学术投稿给予了很多有意义的建议。讲座结束后,Dasgupta教授同与会老师等进行了其他方面有益的探讨。最后,在吕超教授的陪同下,Dasgupta教授参观了化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室以及北京化工大学分析测试中心。
Biography: Purnendu K. (Sandy) Dasgupta came to Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge as a graduate student in early 1973 and began studies in electrochemistry. He switched to research on environmental analysis under Professor Philip W West and received his PhD in 1977 in analytical chemistry with a minor in electrical engineering. He worked for a year as a researcher and instructor at LSU following his PhD and then joined the University of California at Davis as an Aerosol Research Chemist at the California Primate Research Center, doing studies on air pollution toxicology while teaching air and water chemistry as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In 1981 he joined Texas Tech and named a Horn Professor in 1992, named after the first president of the University, the youngest person to be so honored at the time. He remained at Texas Tech for 25 years, joining the University of Texas at Arlington in 2007 as the Chair and Jenkins Garrett Professor. He is an Editor of Analytica Chimica Acta, a major international journal in analytical chemistry.