美国埃默里大学Tianquan Lian教授应邀来实验室学术交流


2014年7月11日,美国埃默里大学Tianquan Lian教授应化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室邀请,在科学会堂会议室做了题为“Solar Energy Conversion Using Artificial Atoms, Molecules and Solids”的学术报告。


Tianquan (Tim) Lian received his PhD degree from University of Pennsylvania (under the supervision of late Prof. Robin Hochstrasser) in 1993. After postdoctoral training with Prof. Charles B. Harris in the University of California at Berkeley, Tim Lian joined the faculty of chemistry department at Emory University in 1996. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2002, Full Professor in 2005, Winship Distinguished Research Professor in 2007, and William Henry Emerson Professor of Chemistry in 2008. Tim Lian is the Co-Editor-In-Chief of Chemical Physics, the Advisory Editorial Board of Journal of Physical Chemistry (A,B,C and Lett.), Chemical Physics Letter, Spectrochimica Acta A, a Kavli fellow and a recipient of the NSF CAREER award and Alfred P. Sloan fellowship.