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韩国成均馆大学Jong Wook Bae教授应邀到访实验室并做学术报告

来源:本站       责任编辑:王周君

  应北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室王周君副教授课题组邀请, 韩国成均馆大学化工系系主任Jong Wook Bae教授于2019年10月22日到访实验室,并为我校师生做了题为“Applications of Ordered Mesoporous Metal Oxides for Efficient Syngas Conversion”的学术报告。

  在报告中,Jong Wook Bae教授就有序介孔氧化物在合成气制备、费托合成和二甲醚直接合成中的催化应用进行了系统的介绍,并对相关催化剂的构-效关系进行了深入的探讨。报告结束后,Jong Wook Bae教授与在座师生就感兴趣的科学问题进行了交流。Jong Wook Bae教授的报告让师生们熟悉了有序介孔氧化物的结构特性,并对典型C1化学反应的催化机理有了更深入的理解。

  Jong Wook Bae教授简介:

  Prof. Jong Wook Bae got a Ph.D. degree in Chemcial Engineering Depatment of POSTECH, South Korea. He is now working as an associate Professor in School of Chemical Engineering of Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) from 2011. Before joining the SKKU, he worked in LG Chem. and Korean Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), South Korea. His recent research topics are syngas conversions to value-added chemicals such as hydrocarbons (Fischer-Tropsch synthesis), dimethyl ether, acetates and aromatics by COx hydrogenation reaction using the ordered mesoporous metal oxides and bifunctional catalysts. He published more than 140 SCI(E) papers such as ACS Catal. , Adv. Mater. , Appl. Catal. B and so on from 2011.


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