英国皇家化学会执行编辑Dr. Neil Hammond到访并做学术报告
应重点实验室徐福建教授课题组邀请, 英国皇家化学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)的执行编辑Dr. Neil Hammond于2019年7月9日到访实验室并为我校师生作了题为《Publishing with the RSC: what we can do for you》的学术报告。
在此次报告中,Dr. Neil Hammond主要介绍了英国皇家化学会的期刊情况以及在撰写文章和投稿中所需要注意的要点。Dr. Neil Hammond的精彩报告为老师和同学们在文章的撰写和投稿方面分享了很多经验,同时也提供了很多小技巧。最后,在提问环节中Dr. Neil Hammond和在座师生进行了交流互动。
Dr. Neil Hammond简介:
Dr Neil Hammond,Executive Editor, Biomaterials Science and Polymer Chemistry,Royal Society of Chemistry.Neil Hammond, PhD, was born in Doncaster, United Kingdom, in 1976. He studied Physics, receiving a Masters degree from Liverpool University in 1998, and a PhD, also from Liverpool University, in 2002. He completed a 2-year postdoctoral position at Argonne National Laboratory, USA in heavy-ion physics research (2002 – 2004) before leaving research to begin a career in publishing. Neil spent several years at Pion Ltd (London) and Cambridge University Press (Cambridge) before joining the Royal Society of Chemistry, the UKs professional body for chemical scientists. Neil is responsible at the RSC for the development of 5 journals, including Biomaterials Science and Polymer Chemistry . He has held various roles in academic publishing over the last 14 years, and has worked with a diverse range of academic communities and learned societies. He has co-authored more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals.