新南威尔士大学 的Prof. Cyrille Boyer应邀到访实验室并做学术报告
应重点实验室徐福建教授课题组邀请, University of New South Wales 的Prof. Cyrille Boyer于2018年12月16日到访实验室并为我校师生作了题为“Oxygen Tolerant RAFT Polymerisation for High Throughput Polymerisation: Application in the Design of Bioactive Polymers (anti-microbial polymers)”的学术报告。
在此次报告中,Prof. Cyrille Boyer重点介绍了通过光聚合来调控聚合物的结构以及如果通过设计聚合物大分子来实现抗菌的功能。Prof. Cyrille Boye的报告让老师和同学们更加深入的了解了聚合物材料的结构构建在组织工程材料研究中的重要性,同时也了解了通过材料设计在推动生物材料学科发展的重要意义。最后,在提问环节中,Prof. Cyrille Boyer和在座师生进行了交流互动。
Prof. Cyrille Boyer 简介:
Prof. Cyrille Boyer received his Ph.D. from the University of Montpellier II. After working with Dupont Performance Elastomers, Cyrille moved to UNSW in the centre for advanced macromolecular design. He was awarded the SCOPUS Young Researcher of the year Award in 2012, one of the six 2015 Prime Minister"s Science Prizes (Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the year), the 2016 LeFevre Memorial Prize and nominated as one of the inaugural Knowledge Nation 100 selected by the Knowledge Society, guided by Australia"s Chief Scientist, Professor Ian Chubb and senior commentators from The Australian newspaper. Cyrille’s research has also been recognized by several international awards, including 2016 ACS Biomacromolecules/Macromolecules Award, 2016 Journal of Polymer Science Innovation Award, 2018 Polymer International-IUPAC award and 2018 Polymer Chemistry Lectureship. Cyrille has co-authored over 235 articles, which have gathered over 13 000 citations.
Cyrille is the co-director of Australian Centre for Nanomedicine and member of Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design. The Australian Centre for Nanomedicine regroups 10 academics, 20 post-docs and research associates and 80 PhD students.