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英国格拉斯哥大学David Lennon教授应邀到访实验室并做学术报告

来源:本站       责任编辑:王周君

  应北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室王周君副教授课题组邀请, 英国格拉斯哥大学David Lennon教授于2017年8月15日到访实验室,并为我校师生作了题为“The application of inelastic neutron scattering to investigate the ‘dry’ reforming of methane over supported nickel catalysts”的学术报告。

  在报告中,David Lennon教授重点介绍了非弹性中子散射光谱技术及其在甲烷二氧化碳重整镍基催化剂反应机理方面的研究,通过对含氢物种在该反应中的变化历程追踪,揭示了镍基重整催化剂的结构对产物氢碳比的影响。报告结束后,David Lennon教授与在座师生就感兴趣的问题进行了交流探讨。David Lennon教授的报告让师生们了解了非弹性中子散射光谱技术,并对甲烷二氧化碳重整的催化反应机理有了更深入的理解。

        David Lennon教授简介:

  David Lennon (DL) is Professor of Physical Chemistry in the School of Chemistry at the University of Glasgow where he heads the Surface Chemistry and Heterogeneous Catalysis Research Group (SC&HCRG). He joined the University of Glasgow in 1995 as the ICI Lecturer in Heterogeneous Catalysis. Presently he heads the School’s Heterogeneous Catalysis Section. DL’s research interests are focused on developing an improved understanding of surface chemical phenomena at solid/liquid/gas interfaces that typically have application in heterogeneous catalysis. This involves direct collaboration with industrial partners. Presently, all of active projects in the SC&HCRG are part or fully industrially funded. DL is the author of ~ 100 research papers.


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