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Carbon Nanorings and Their Enhanced Lithium Storage Properties

来源:化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室      责任编辑:


Carbon Nanorings and Their Enhanced Lithium Storage Properties

Jie Sun, Haimei Liu, Xu Chen, David G. Evans, Wensheng Yang* and Xue Duan

Advanced Materials, 2013, 25, 1125-1130 


A method involving catalytic growth of carbon nanorings (CNRs) with an outer diameter of ~20 nm and axial length of ~1 nm in the confined interlayer galleries of a layered double hydroxide host co-intercalated with a carbon source and charge-balancing anion has been reported. The as-prepared CNRs with open tips and a ratio of length to diameter (L/d) much less than 1 exhibit excellent lithium storage performance, especially large reversible specific capacity under high-rate charge and discharge.

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